The hardcover student text, Uncle Sam and You, is divided into two parts (each part is sold separately). Each part contains 15 units and 75 lessons. Part One introduces the American system of government, elections, the Presidency and Congress. Each lesson contains approximately six pages to be read daily. Each part also contains lessons on fifteen American patriotic holidays. These holiday studies are designed to provide historical background and context along with activities to complete as a family.
Each lesson incorporates a variety of activities, including: thinking biblically assignments, creative writing, vocabulary assignments, short research activities, art activities (draw a picture or take a photograph), reading assignments (Citizen’s Handbook or from the selection of recommended literature titles), and assignments from the optional student workbook or lesson review book. Families should anticipate a time commitment of 45-90 minutes daily to complete the lessons.
The student texts can be purchased individually, or in a curriculum package containing both hardcover student texts, the answer key and the Citizen’s Handbook. As described above, the two part student texts provide the core of instruction and activities along with information on how to use the program. Each text contains over 500 pages with extensive, vibrant illustrations.
We assign eight books–biographies and historical novels–in Uncle Sam and You. Your child does not have to read the literature to understand the lessons, but each book gives your student a richer perspective on topics in the lessons. The student is usually given two weeks to read each book, with 1-3 chapters assigned each day.
Middle-school students can read the books on their own, or you can use them as family read alouds. The first three books go along with Part 1 and the other five with Part 2.
- Lincoln: A Photobiography by Russell Freedman (Units 5-6)
- A Letter to Mrs. Roosevelt by C. Coco De Young (Units 10-11)
- Brighty of the Grand Canyon by Marguerite Henry (Units 12-14)
- Basher Five-Two by Scott O’Grady (Units 16-17)
- Misty of Chincoteague by Marguerite Henry (Units 18-19)
- The Long Winter by Laura Ingalls Wilder (Units 22-24)
- The Wright Brothers: How They Invented the Airplane by Russell Freedman (Units 25-26)
- Lost on a Mountain in Maine by Donn Fendler (Units 29-30)